Monday, February 5, 2007

The "Beatles Apple" and the "Computer Apple" make good. Ryan O'Neal acted in self-defence.

The Beatles Apple and the Computer Apple settled that 2003 lawsuit! Good going! Spokesperson from Computer Apple says "many exiting years are ahead" (AP, natch!) Look for "I'm a Mac, And I'm a Badfinger LP" spoof on youtube in the near future.

Also, Ryan O'Neal (Love Story) shot at his son Griffin (Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go to College) in response to a flailing charcoal poker attack. Evidently, Father O'Neil was grazed by the poker several times. O'Neal then shot a bannister rather than his son, who promptly fled into the night (Washington Post).

At 65, Ryan O'Neal still maintains boyish good looks. Son Griffin has not.

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